oh come on guys, it's getting boring here. Start a fight or something.

  • 6
    Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!
  • 12
    Javascript is potentially a really elegant language.
  • 4
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    @Demolishun What the absolute hell did you just say about JavaScript, you malformed little stacktrace? I’ll have you know I was forged in the white-hot fires of callback hell, battle-hardened in the trenches of IE6 compatibility, and I’ve personally deployed code that has crashed fortune 500 sites mid-Black Friday. I am a weaponized full-stack war machine with 400 confirmed GitHub commits before breakfast.

    You think this is a game? I’ve burned more junior devs than caffeine-fueled merge conflicts. I write regex patterns that make grown men weep. I eat memory leaks for lunch and debug race conditions in my goddamn sleep. I once made a senior engineer question their entire career path with a single reduce().

    You dare come into my domain, talk smack about JavaScript — the language of gods and madmen — with your little “lol JS is bad” meme brain? You absolute wet-brained YAML file. You wouldn’t know lexical scoping if it crawled up your CLI and linted your soul.
  • 6

    I run code so asynchronous, it finishes before your dad came back with the milk. I’ve used Proxy, Symbol, and Reflect in production — and I don’t even comment my code. I’ve yeeted entire backends into Firebase just to watch them burn. I’ve refactored monoliths into microservices with a butter knife and a prayer.

    Right now, my code is crawling through the internet, hot-patching your opinions with truth. Your DNS is being rerouted to shutup.localhost, your hard drive is being minified, and your soul is being eval()'d. You picked a fight with the wrong language, kid.

    You’re not a dev. You’re a poorly formatted JSON object. I will transpile your existence into oblivion, bundle your atoms into a single file, and serve you on a CDN with zero cache-control.

    Welcome to JavaScript, punk. Hope you like semicolons and suffering.
  • 4
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    Spaces are better than tabs.

    Everything Apple makes sucks.

    AI is by and large useless for things you know anything about.

    Elon Musk is one of the very few people in the world that is vocal about several existential problems we face as a species and also using his vast wealth and resources to do something about it.

    It's a bad idea to replace all the grass and trees in the world all so the economy can grow to infinity+1.

    That ought to rankle someone's jimmies.
  • 2
    @cuddlyogre my jimmies are rustled but I have no energy
  • 2
    @donkulator potentially… that’s not even wrong :)
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy all of the fights have been fought already. The morons have won.
  • 1
    @Lensflare "nicht einmal falsch"?
  • 2
    - I wrote 'business logic' in an OnClick event

    - I only wrote 4 tests for a 5 method interface

    - 'Hardcoded' a database key value because I didn't want the hassle from the DBA for creating another FK relationship.

    <fist pump>

    Let's go!
  • 4
    @cuddlyogre you actually could became best friends with such statements.
  • 3
    Starting a fight is easy. You need some rubles and pay @kiki. She can start the longest fights using one single word!
  • 0
    @cuddlyogre space are retarded
  • 1
  • 1
    @Lensflare do you wander around train tracks?
  • 0
    @antigermanist you and the other ones, yes.
  • 1
    @Lensflare yea well dont

    when i was 16 we had a "religion" teacher, one of those young dude just fresh out of college who studied something stupid like sociology

    well he wanted to catch a train

    he died

    shit's dangerous

    whateva you do do not stay close to the train trax unless you want to ride it
  • 0
    @antigermanist preach it my paj brother
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