If you use space as indentation I hate you and I want to remove your nails one by one and then dip it in salt.

And then rape the salt.

  • 8
    Cool story bro. I code in whitespace.
  • 3
    Rare based ostream opinion 🗣️🔥
  • 3
    Went outside and tracked dogshit on my toe nails just now. Gonna pick my nose for a bit too. Then you can have them.

    spabs and taces are where its at.
  • 2
    @Demolishun 5 width taces users 😎
  • 2
    What a pointless way to make sure your urethra burns forever.
  • 2
  • 2
    Now I feel even more validated in using spaces instead of tabs!
  • 2
    @Lensflare that's because you suck.

    Tabs are made to (guess what) tabulate aka structure data into columns

    Indentation is structuring code data into columns

    Space are the punctuation we use to seperate WORDS.

    You are everything that is wrong with this world and the prototype of the dumbass using things wrong and thinking he's clever, you baboonesque idiot.
  • 0
    @Lensflare your dick is a twat and your twat is a cunt, which itself is a bhole. Your belly button is also a bhole, and your mouth is a pussy. Your eyes are anal fistulas and your ear are ridiculously large.
  • 0

    > and thinking he's clever

    No, I don‘t think that I’m clever. It’s an opinion based preference.

    You are the idiot who thinks he is clever for using one rather than another.

    Continue with your insults, that make your arguments more valid.
  • 0

    > Space are the punctuation we use to seperate WORDS.

    Yes, words in sentences in natural language.
    But code isn’t natural language, is it, dumbass?

    Tabs are for word documents where we usually don‘t use monospace fonts and need tabs to align the text properly.

    Your argument is what everyone would expect from a complete idiot.

    > Tabs are made to (guess what) tabulate aka structure data into columns

    Yes, again, in word documents. In code however we use it for INDENTATION, not for tabulation you fucking moron.
  • 0
    @Lensflare indentation buttons comes from typewritters you retard. It predate even the invention of variable-space fonts.

  • 0

    you are still bringing the carriage to a specific column and thus using the tab key as it's been intended forever instead of keeping pushing SPACE-SPACE-SPACE-SPACE-SPACE like my parkinson grandpa

    you exemplify the dumb user taking the long way to do things lmao
  • 0
    @Lensflare have you ever even seen a real typewritter?
  • 0

    > The tab mechanism came into its own as a rapid and consistent way of uniformly indenting the first line of each paragraph. Often a first tab stop at 5 or 6 characters was used for this, far larger than the indentation used when typesetting.
  • 1
    @antigermanist Every single code editor in the world can translate tabs to multiple spaces.
    Do you think space users type multiple spaces in a row? No, retard, we use the tab key.

    So typewriters used the tab key to move the "cursor" a fixed amount of spaces to indent stuff?
    Guess what, that‘s exactly what we are doing in modern day coding when we use tab.
    Your typewriter doesn‘t write a long ass tab character, does it?
    Your arguments are working against you, fuckwit.
  • 0
    Just wondering @antigermanist, do you have any practical issue with space indentation?
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