Made a logo design with Gravit Designer

it feels fine but.... IDK if I did my logo right

  • 0
    I was first like what is Gravity Designer. Looked up and have one question can it replace GIMP ?
  • 3
    Time to open up google slides y’all
  • 6
    Feedback: Doesn't looks uniform or symmetric.
  • 0
    searched for gravit designer on my phone, literally began to laugh when the site told me to tilt tue phone in landscape and suddenly the webpage appears.
    well done!😅😎

    and to your logo: same opinion as above comments, seems nice but it's not clear what it's supposed to symbolize (document?) and it seems kinda asymmetrical and a bit ...strange🤨
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    Some context would be nice. Symbolism is important.
  • 1
    No, gimp is pixel editing software

    Gravit designer is a vector tool

    Imho, I would use inkscape: it’s open source and has a great community, but gravit’s web app looks cool
  • 0
    @-vim- But for making graphics in general is it a good replacement ?
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    For daily use image editing, pixel editing is a way better choice, so go for GIMP

    Vectors are better for creating art that can be scaled without any quality loss, as it is just some mathematical shapes.
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    hey guys thanks for the feedback but the logo above is just a test for Gravit Designer if its advanced enough to replace Inkscape on my use case, and it was, happy to say
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    it's a bit unbalanced. full in upper left part, empty in bottom right.
    other than that, pretty much standard modern icon design, so good ;)
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