Tbh anything related to the JVM is burnout within a few minutes by now. I absolutely despise it and would even rather write in the original C

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    More for me
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    @sharktits *Go* for it, I've fallen completely in love with Rust anyways
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    Ooh! Well what do u like so much about rust? What got you into it? 😲
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    @Electrux The fact that it's what I'd call a perfect C
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    @Proximyst oh that statement is like a stake through my brain 😨😨
    Jk! Good for u... nice perspective 😁
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    @Electrux Yeah, it's a strong statement, but I believe it has earned it
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    @Proximyst I won’t really deny that... I personally prefer C and C++, but having used rust a bit, I can understand why anyone can start loving it... heck even I like it... m just bored of same paradigm over and over again haha 😅😂
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    @Electrux Yeah, it's not the greatest, but if C had traits I sure would use that
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    Btw, just wanted to say, awesome github profile u got...
    Bonus points for the awesome AaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaAAaaaaa commit messages 😂😂
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    @Proximyst I like the simplicity of C ( although i have been spoiled by the STL of c++ so I use that now ) 😅
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    @Electrux Thanks ❤️
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    @Proximyst anytime! Keep it up 👍🏻
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    People who constantly want to replace Java with C either :

    1. Dont actually know or understand Java
    2. Dont actually know or understand C that well either.

    You think C is the solution to all programming needs ? Then undestand it first to see that it isnt
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    @CodesNotHot Didn't say I don't like Java. It's an amazing language and platform, just that my love for developing in it and in Kotlin has completely dried out.
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    @CodesNotHot as a developer, i understand both have their place

    As a java developer, dont make me touch c please
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