FUCKING NGINX...........

I moved a website to a new server, and nginx redirects me to another fucking website on the same server. I have been trying to fix that for FUCKING 3 HOURS. I did everything. Disabled EVERY site on that server except that one, works. I go back. Guess what..... haha it goes back and FUCKING REDIRECTS ME TO OTHER SITES. You have to be fucking kidding me right 🖕. I check if I miswrote anything, check if it's the control panels fault (doesn't look like it). I make a vhost myself for the site (with the other still active to check if it detected the vhost). Reload...
nginx: "One vhost was ignored because the servername already exists". Yeah yeah you twat nginx.
So le me disables every site again (except le not working site). I enable every site again.
nginx: "owh hey * someip * heres the site".

Me: .............. 😡😡 fucking twat. 🖕🖕

BTW, have no clue what caused it. Seems to work now. It shouldn't be a DNS issue I checked that. Anyone any ideas? Appreciate it.

  • 0
    Does it redirect to a https site and the site that you just moved is not using it?
  • 0
    @Linux yes but I also got redirected on HTTP and I even made a selfsigned cert. But didn't do anything.
  • 0
    The vhost already exists thing shouldn't cause the config file to be skipped, I've got this with every nginx config file and all sites work well haha
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