
Now I know for sure that my coworkers can't read error messages.

Every fucking time git doesn't push or pull properly they can't figure out what's going on, almost one year since we migrated to git ... come on... read the fucking message!

  • 5
    git has the most friendly error messages among them all, it even writes a solution for you if it's simple thing - e.g. no upstream set
  • 2
    @KeyWeeUsr yeah, that freaks me out because they don't even read it..

    Yesterday I literally copied the error message and pasted into Google in front of one of them and the first result was explaining everything.
  • 1
    A new meaning to RTFM
  • 1
    that happened like 1h hour ago at the office....
    Sourcetree could have error message in flashing Red and bells ringing... it would be the same
  • 1
    Also true for stack traces, they have line numbers written all over including all the method names! They never even bother to check all those helpful things that have been echoed in them!
  • 2
    @azous Why ask google when you can have someone else do the search , read results , fix the problem and explain it ? learn to say no.
  • 0
    @skonteam yeah, I know that. although I freak out with this, I actually use it to learn everything they don't... so everytime they are lazy I learn something new :)
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