I see a lot of jokes and memes about PHP. However, from the community conferences, I see that the community has matured so much compared to other communities. I truly respect and admire its community (at least the mature part of it).

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    Php is a beautiful tool. People hating it are doing it because of different and mostly personal reasons.
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    @AleCx04 PHP is not beautiful, it's actually regarded as a bad language (one of the worst of current popular ones) because it has so much inconsistencies (all languages have some, PHP as more than others).

    Can't say much about community or frameworks. I keep hearing a lot of good about PHP frameworks. You can have definitely have a good framework on top of a bad language, but at that point why not choose a good framework on top of a good language?

    Well, there are still good reasons to choose PHP though. I mean, it runs about everywhere, and major CMS use it, so it's always worth learning, and a good community help that.
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    @Fradow sit down b...i have been using php since it was still on version 4...i know what i am about.

    Oh and I also have a degree in Computer Science. I'll decide which tools are good or not for me and my work.
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    Oh I don't claim I know better than you what tools are good or not for you and your work, or even that I know PHP better than you do (I certainly don't, it's not even in the top 5 of languages I know best).

    I'm just claiming PHP as too many inconsistencies compared to other popular and similar languages. That's about all.

    That shouldn't prevent you from doing great things with it, especially if you know it well and the community is as great as you describe.
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