My LinkedIn profile bio:

... however I’m not interested in hybrid mobile or contract work.

My LinkedIn “notes to recruiters”:

... I’m not interested in hybrid mobile or contract work.

My preferences:

- ticked full time permanent
- listed native technologies in the tag selector.

Email this morning:

Hi are you interested in the below role:

Role: Hybrid mobile developer
Salary: xxxxx
Type: 6 - 12 month contract.

No I am not you fucking fucktard. Read my fucking profile or go fuck yourself with a fucking cactus!

  • 11
    half the problems in this fucked up world would have been solved if people only read :)

    Expect anything man....
  • 6
    Jalo, mai naime is MarkuZ(most definitely does not sound like a Marcus) we have mobile devalopr posichon

  • 5
    But they found your profile through that buzzword! It's not like they look for the "not" on those profiles.
  • 1
    @k0pernikus well they could read the profile maybe? It’s quite literally their day job.

    I only put it there in the first place because I was getting so many despite having no hybrid stuff on my profile.
  • 0
    @practiseSafeHex what do you think of flutter? Should I choose native over Flutter?
  • 4
    @ausername I haven't tried Flutter at all, only thing I know about it, is that its a competitor to React-native or Iconic.

    That being said, my personal opinion, having tried many hybrid tools, is that they are complete horse shit.

    "Write once deploy anywhere" is the most mis-leading statement ever, making business execs think they will half the development time ... which is not true because you will be forced at some point or another to deal with some other issues that don't exist outside hybrid. This might be differences in browsers, issues in the tool itself, design decisions they have made etc.

    I also have issues with the idea of sharing the UI across platforms as they are inherently different. Once worked for a company where the number one complaint on the Android app was "it looks too much like an iOS app".

    I prefer to write native apps to make the most out of the performance and align with the UI guidelines that users will expect to see.
  • 0
    LinkedIn spam emails I normally get start with:

    “I’m really impressed with your profile on LinkedIn, are you interested in a .net position?”

    I have never even used .net let alone added it to my LinkedIn profile!!!!!!!!!!
  • 0
    If this wasnt linked in but twitter or something, i would probably ask you about hybrid mobile dev, just because..
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