
What's your favourite programming language and why ?

  • 22
    PHP, because everyone else hates it.
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    @C0D4 hahahahahaha yes also me hate it 😂😂
  • 12
    Python 💪🏻... You Should Know Why...
  • 5
    Probably Rust or C. I mostly use PHP and JS though.
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    Rust. It's C with more confidence.

    I've been wanting to write a browser for a long time and it seem like he perfect lang for it.
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    @C0D4 hey mate we have the same shirt? Hehe! PHP because it is easy hehe
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    In my heart C++ as it was my first language, I don't use it much anymore for now.

    Java is currently my favorite for its portability.
  • 11
    C# because it has awesome features and still quite easy ^^
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    Kotlin it combines the best of the JVM and null-safety.
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    OCaml because fast compiling, one of he best static typing systems, the JS-akin syntax via ReasonML and output as JS, Bytecode or native code.
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    @Devnergy depends what you mean by an easy language.

    Easy to prototype and deploy mockups without to much hassle 👍

    Easy to deploy to virtually any server in the world 👍

    Easy to maintain and enforce code quality 👎

    Capable of building anything from doodling scripts to large scale ecommerce / crm’s to web services and APis - hell yea!
  • 6
    Go, because it’s easy to write, has a nice type system, and a great standard library
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    Assembly (asm) 😜
  • 5
    php cause fast and good
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    c# because that's the one I'm most familiar with
  • 7
    Java, because i can flex on people who think its slow and are too stupid to use it 😎
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    JavaScript, cause I can code to almost any platform with it
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    C#, because it's basically just C++ in easy
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    @finiteAutomaton hey, a fellow ocaml dev, we are getting increasingly rare
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    Only PHP7 though, it is just sexy.
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    @sharktits @finiteAutomaton oh hey two fellow OCaml devs! That's way more than I thought possible.
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    @RememberMe one more and the universe explodes
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    @sharktits this is starting to sound similar to The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, lol (Sherlock Holmes story).
    OCaml devs are probably rarer than people named Garrideb, though.
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    Ruby, C#, and Golang. Really want to spend more time with Rust, it seems amazing.
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    still learning go, but i love it (:
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    C++ low level, fast and beautiful
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    Lisp anyone? it's so pretty and minimal
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    Delphi/FreePascal, because it is pleasant to read, very powerful and versatile, structured, both low and high level, efficient, and so easy to maintain.
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    I love C the most because it's plain simple w/o any BS, incredibly fast, suitable for any device there is.

    2nd - BASH. Even though it's not a progeamming language per se [it's a scripting lang.], it's very easy to write anything with it.

    3rd - java. It's what I do for a living and I'm happy af. It's stable, doesn't segfault [unless I mess it up real bad] and quite fast'n'easy to code.
  • 1
    What kind of question is that?
    Everyone knows Perl is the best programming language
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    F#, because it still sits nicely in the .NET world, it’s cross platform, and it’s basically C#’s cooler, hotter sibling.
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    C#, I just find using it more fun than work.
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    C# because of LINQ
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    php because I have learned nothing else.
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    Rust, due to its simplicity, speed, and fearlessness
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    Python and C
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    Whitespace, I can avoid arguments of tabs and spaces because I use both
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