Is there anyone here who is expert in Microsoft Sql server. Am getting error while connecting to local database.

  • 1
    What error specifically?
  • 0
    A network related error error 4 and something like that.
  • 7
    Very specific error, I'm sure you're gonna receive many good suggestions
  • 1
    @stacked Can I vote you for best comment?
  • 0
    Can you post the exact error message?
  • 0
    @MCCshreyas we can't guess "something like that".

    We're not psychics (I think).

    So tell us the entire error. If that's too much effort, then fix it yourself.
  • 4
    To anyone in the distant future reading this:

    If you need help just fucking put the error message in the first post, too many bytes of data have been wasted already, think about mother Earth and the time you'll save.
  • 1
    @deodexed I agree with you but, this is not the right medium. This question would have been raped in stack overflow 🤣 Well that's the point. Once you get raped you learn to ask better questions 🤣
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