I was trying to build a simple 2D (drag the fish to eat other fish) game in JavaScript, cause why not there are already many libraries i will certainly find one for my use.

I'm already familiar with p5.js thanks to Daniel Shiffman and his coding train sessions.

I thought to build the game with p5.js with the play and 2Dcollide libraries, but it turns out they don't have a custom irregular sprite collision detection neither the other thousands libraries which are rotting on github.

Guess, I need to build somethig own my own.

And I also hate it, cause I have to design those fishes, the main game logic, this collision detection function and levels

I need a coffee with a coding partner

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    @Alice bitmap images!
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    current plan is to draw a polygon of fish's boundary and pass that fish skeleton polygon to 2Dcollide.js library to check for collision

    I can overlap the skeleton with some similar fish image or literally draw the vector image of fish in processing

    A red fish, a yellow fish, a brown fish with cream stripes and a blue fish is all i have thought yet
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