Can we get an Arch ducky cape on the merch store? I know I'd buy one in an instant

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    What about Antergos 😏
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    For when you have to reinstall it. 😆
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    Updating arch is the easiest thing in the world, i even aliased it to ‘life’
  • 2
    @JoshBent +1 for Antergos
  • 2
    You get some blue cloth, some pens, some duct tape and a well written wiki on how to build a rubber duck.
  • 1
    Build it yourself
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    We're trying to avoid legal complications with using registered trademarked logos, hence the plaintext on all the capes. Maybe in the future we can get licensed rights to use some on capes, but not currently a priority. That said, our new cape fabrication process makes it easier to produce more options, so might get this and other langs in the future.
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