So I've got a friend learning Java, using Eclipse.
I walk in one day and see him restarting his computer. I make nothing of it. Few minutes later, he's restarting again.
I jokingly say "Windows update?"
He responds with the straightest face ever: "No, compiling code."

Apparently he thought you needed to restart the computer before compiling.
Not sure if I should be mortified or laughing my ass off.

  • 3
    I think the guy was joking with you.
  • 13
    may be that eclipse is so buggy, he actually has too.
  • 2
    I swear, I have to restart my computer before every clean build with vs otherwise strange things happen.
  • 1
    @0xcaff no you don't have to , check running processes maybe one of them is conflicting with the build.
  • 4
    Running processes interfering with a build sounds like a dev stack nightmare
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