Stop using JQuery for everything.

  • 0
    maybe not everything, but nowadays websites are so complex and use so many plugins, that jquery is probably already there. It's enough to have a meganav or lightbox module and there it is.
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    @kargaroth there is nothing complex about writing your own code instead of using a bloated library that enforces shitty programming
  • 4
    @ianertson of course it is. When half of the code is already written, widely used and well tested there is no reason to do it again. I agree that jQ is overly used, but it has it's place. You write product. If you can increase loadspeed with 10%, it's still not worth the time and money.
  • 2
    @ianertson and if you think jQ is enforcing bad code, your a bad developer. Disclaimer: I don't like jQ, but that's because people use it wrong and make bad code, and I have to maintain it.
  • 2
    And by using CDN, most users already have jquery cached in their browser, so it doesn't really have a load impact. You don't need jquery to change a class or do xhr, but if you do both, why not use it?
  • 1
    Using this shitty angular based framework for a work project that loads jquery for a single Ajax call... that's bad.
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