I made a fan page for my favourite League of Legends Champion: Camille. Also, a kind of newsletter because I have no life.

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    @Alice okay, thanks for your feedback!! I'll change it sometime later
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    Link? :)
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    Hi I'm a Teemo main

    😂😂😂😂 Jk
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    Knife granny OP. I'm supposedly a Taric main but I love playing Urgot against Cam. But aye, good stuff you got there. 👌
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    Xayah OTP
    God i hate bruisers...
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    @SpaceBearOne Bard and Braum make me so happy, it's always fun to play them but I've stuck to playing Taric because it's fun to make my ADC uncomfortable with role-play.
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    @SpaceBearOne It's how I show how supportive I am of my ADC, especially Ezreals ❤

    How am I supposed to role-play as Bard? Make wind chime sounds? 😂
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    @Bagul @SpaceBearOne Bard is love, Bard is life. Case closed. Better musician than Sona.

    Btw I'm Camille main, after that: Rakan (with my Xayah), Poppy, Taric (with Lulu adc), Soraka.

    But in my heart, I am Aurelion Sol.
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    @BambuSource I wasn't saying that Bard ain't love though. I love to play as the hopping bundle of happiness. ❤

    Also, Lulu ADC? Let me support you sometime with my Taric. 👌
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    @Bagul Haha :D good Bard description!

    I mean Taric (me, Jakob) and Lulu (my gf). That combo is OP. And when she plays Lulu carry.. she ALWAYS has first blood. Significantly proven.
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    @BambuSource Thank ye kindly for the compliment and damn, man. You make me wanna try out Lulu ADC.

    I've been banned from playing ADC with my friends because I usually go Urgot, Teemo or Zoe but Lulu sounds super fun.
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    @SpaceBearOne HAHAHAHA. That's the fucking best response I could've hoped for. Buying Bard to all-chat that every game now.
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    @BambuSource Speaking of Soraka, I played against a top lane AD crit banana lady as Urgot while lagging at 2000 ms. Her bananas probed deeper than my 12-inch dildo and I was 160 CS behind.

    But she died to me more than I died to her. Ezpz.
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    @SpaceBearOne euw. But I don't play ranked, nor clash
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    @BambuSource Ayyy you're on EUW too.
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    @SpaceBearOne Hey there, Jakob's girlfriend here, I just wanted to say that I think some of you got a little thing wrong.^^ I am the one playing Lulu, he doesn't. Also, he doesn't play Poopy, Taric, and some others the... well.., meta way. I don't really either, because tbh I play Lulu on every role EXCEPT support. And as we all share our mains, I feel obligated to do so aswell..^~^
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    @BambuSource +10 respect for fighting against the meta.
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    @SpaceBearOne Join us on EUW, my friend. We have Bard ASMRs and Taric role-plays.
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    @Bagul that's half true. On the other hand, we lay the fundamentals for meta.
    I played Camille jungle when she had 96% top playrate. (I also played her sup)
    And she played taliyah jungle before warwicks reworked was released. Zoe with press the attack, Aurelion Sup...
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    @SpaceBearOne hey there fellow EUNE player 😂
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    @SpaceBearOne ✋ up top, brother. Preach it.
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