Hey guys.
So, where do you guys store your passwords?
It's getting hard to keep track of so many logins and passwords now that I have the time to learn, try new stuff, meddle with VPS and shit and I can't keep track of everything.

Ps: must save somewhere online (or at least backups) and be multi platform (windows + Linux + Android

  • 3
    keepass2 file in my nextcloud storage
  • 1
    I use masterpasswordapp. It generates a password from your name, your master password and site/service/domain you enter
  • 1
    @Floydian loved the ideia, very old school, like me...
  • 1
    I use KeepassXC to store mine check them out @ https://keepassxc.org/
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    Truecrypt one password for all passwords
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    @junners and kepassxc has the better browserextension
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    I wonder what @linuxxx uses
  • 1
    @retnikt Used to use Encryptr, then Bitwarden and now genuinely my own memory! Bitwarden would be my go-to though. Also keepass for offline password storing.
  • 1
    I'm liking the excel ideia...
    Made a program for the same intent two decades ago with visual basic and a password protected access database...
    And I can make a program with a excel file as db
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