
"Shit, did we just send that notification to everyone?" - some dev, probably

  • 14
    Another FRIENDS fanπŸ˜…
  • 9
    I did something like that once. But, instead of a push notification, it was an actual SMS πŸ˜‘ From next day onwards, I was told to fix CSS bugs for a week.
  • 0
    Thoughts on if the guy that did that got fired?
  • 0
    @infekted Could also be a Norbit fan, but that's less likely πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    @JavaRules In a place with an sucking error management culture, they might get fired.

    Yet what do you gain by punishing these kind of mistakes? The next fuck-up might lead to finger-pointing and people covering up their fuck-ups.

    Your focus should be to learn from these mistakes and it never should happen again. (And if this problem can stem from one person fucking up, you have some other problems.)
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