Client: Google analytics is saying our bounce rate is 86%, Could you fix what you did to improve this?

It's a single page website -.-

  • 0
    86 on single page website, they should receive a reward 😂😂😂😂
  • 6
    Actually, you CAN fix it, just add this at the bottom of the single page:
    setTimeout(function() {
    ga('send', 'event', 'time', '20s+');
    }, 20000);
    It sends an event to Google Analytics, which is like the user clicked to go to another page, so it will affect the bounce rate, like with regular websites. I set it to happen after the user spends 20 seconds on the page (hence not closing it after a few seconds and going away), and you can adjust that value. But you can also set it to happen on some other event on the single page, like clicking on a button or navigation links, or some other action, if you have one. Cheers :)
  • 0
    the bounce is also related to the time spent within the page or any cta that you declare and it's executed (contact form for example)

    it's kind of arbitrary, but I believe (without evidence) that above one minute is not a bounce.

    I do think is more a matter of content than code.
  • 0
    I don't get it.. ? You can implement ga to work with spas
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