
I love linux. I would switch entirely from windows to Linux (currently running dualboot win10, antergos) if a few thing would work better/exist for Linux:

- Photoshop
- Games (mainly OSU!, it does run under wine but wine is meh)
- Excel

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    oh ya WPF is one of the things I miss on Linux, and pretty much gone web for my new projects because I'm sick of writing UI again and again lol
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    @2lazy2debug for web I'm using bootstrap or materialize css for now, but for software I'd rather do it in WPF or Windows Store apps
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    @AlpineLinnix I tried it last year it still needs lots of work to reach the level of ux we have in Windows Apps/WPF

    It is also not a complete clone of existing solutions on Windows, not to forget WPF (XAML) has been around since 2006, and is not Beta

    Last but not least, rendering engine is pure MS optimized to work as expected on MS + works only with Direct X
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    @2lazy2debug hell no! Material and Software for PCs XD XD XD

    tbh I am more into doing backend stuff now but I also enjoy doing some UI for my own projects lol

    As for Linux Alternative, since I use all three OS's, I prefer a generic one and not a specific one, so I found web development for now to be a good choice and saves me time
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    @2lazy2debug goodbye 😑😝
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    @Condor I am aware, it even works under wine, but its just better on windows
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    @Kyu96 I feel you, I'm maintain a dual-boot basically just for gaming.
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    Did you try the PortWINE version? It runs very well for me.
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    @Kyu96 Search it up, it's a website.
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    There is an open-source osu!-client called opsu! for Linux. 🤗
    GIMP sadly is not good enough to replace PS, but for your Excel needs Microsoft has you covered with Excel Online if you have Office 365. 😎
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    For Osu!, take a look at this blog post:
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