
Going to forums asking for help as to why my nested for loop wasn't working correctly after the first loop only to realise I was using the variable i for both loops...

Felt like an absolute twat

  • 11
    Happens to the best of us
  • 4
    The other day I was starting to play with Python class and got a system error only to find out there was an extra _ in the beginning of __init__
    It took me a while to find that sneaky bastard...
  • 3
    @Tisila That kind of error is why I've never really liked Python's syntax for things like this. Most things Python does seem designed to make code more readable. But, we get double underscores, which are not particularly human readable. It's not like other options that fulfilled the same purpose couldn't be found which would make errors harder to make.
  • 2
    @Tisila hahahahahaahahaha!
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