
I just dropped a 32gb flashdisk with a lot of data yesterday. Today someone picked it up and email me is it mine, I said yes and he asked me to order a courier and pick it up from his place.

God bless this kid and may luck be always be with him

  • 4
    It's malware time!
  • 4
    @Floydian He obviously found all of op's personal files on the card
  • 8
    @Floydian there is my cv inside of it
  • 5
    I smell a trojan, also who here would ever plug-in a USB stick you've found into your computer?
  • 7
    @Touchpad People are stupid.

    And there's no way in hell someone stupid enough to plug in a random flash drive is competent enough to put a virus on it.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet even stupid people have Google
  • 3
    @Touchpad But they're stupid so they don't think to Google.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet to be fair I think it's more likely that they'd install mallware on their own computer if they'd try =P
  • 4
    I read that as ddos 😅
  • 3
    @linuxxx I know I'm not a hacker but how do you ddos someone from a USB stick? o0
  • 3
    @Touchpad I read the odds as ddos ;)
  • 2
    @linuxxx aah, that makes so much more sense than
  • 8
    @Stuxnet nothing wrong in plugging an unknown flash drive in if you're prepared for it
  • 3
    I can just plug it at internet cafe beside where I lived first
  • 2
    @devTea why would the place you plug it in matter? o0
  • 2
    @Touchpad well you guys said virus or stuff
  • 0
    @devTea well you'd still plug it into your computer right?

    If you pee on the tank of your car it doesn't matter much if it's parked on your driveway or your friends ;)
  • 9
    @Touchpad He means plug it IN a computer of the internet cafe. It's not like he would go with his own laptop to the internet cafe and plug it in there LOL.
  • 4
    @antorqs and this is why I shouldn't respond to stuff this early on in the day
  • 5
    @ObiSwagKenobi The average person doesn't know what the fuck they're doing though.

    Sure, for someone who knows what they're doing it's perfectly fine. But the average person? No, no and no.
  • 1
    I keep a readme on my flash drives that tells whoever finds it to just send me my data and they can keep the drive. I don't mind losing and replacing drives, I do mind replacing work I haven't backed up anywhere else because I'm stupid.
  • 1
    Also, I guess my computers are whores because I would definitely plug in the flash drive. Not on my main box or in my main workspace, but definitely in an air gapped sandbox computer.
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