Most popular PHP x-platform Ide PhpStorm is written in Java and used for PHP.
isn't it wierd...

  • 2
    Yeah it's a strange one. But couldn't be written in PHP I suppose ;)
  • 8
    Dont tell me you want php editor written in php...
  • 5
    JetBrain's IDE products are based on Eclipse which is written in Java. Why would you rewrite every IDE entirely in the language it is designed for? And how would you do this for DataGrip by JetBrains which is an IDE that handles SQL?
  • 0
    @Gregozor2121 I didn't mean that
  • 0
    @ruhe The JetBrains Tools aren’t based on Eclipse, they all derive from the IntelliJ IDE (wich was written in Java to write Java)
  • 1
    @captain Looks like you are right 😳 how did I think that all the time?!
  • 1
    @ruhe they are not based on eclipse?
  • 3
    @sSam It should be fairly obvious that they're not based on eclipse, jetbrains IDE:s don't suck.
  • 1
    i'd be more surprised if intellij suite would drop/fix the inexplicable ram usage
  • 0
    Intellij does use the same Java compiler as Eclipse. I believe that's where the similarities end
  • 0
    It may be called PHP Storm, but as far as I've seen it's hard to find a language it's not for.
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