
I've got my new job less than a month ago. On this Monday i've got annoyed by the unhappy faces in the office and said to them, that i'll work from home. But instead I boarded a train from Zurich to Milan. Checked in to a really nice Milan coworking space called Login. And had some google hangouts meetings all while beeing anxious that some might get suspicious that I left the country. πŸ˜…

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    oh yes!
    😍lunch, perfect pizza
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    @2lazy2debug good choice? that feeling when you have a swiss salery and visiting the neighboring countrys. "omg I'm rich 😍" me in berlin "ich schmeiss die fuffies durch den club und schrei boo!" πŸ˜†

    @MrJimmy www.onewayticket.io
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    @heyheni Aren't these EC trains stuffed all the time?
    I live right next to the route between Zurich and Milano and often these trains are full.
    Except if you travelled first class, then the journey is nice.

    I once went to Milano and back and with my 1.92m. It's a huge PITA to be squeezed by 3 other people for 3.5 hours...

    But nevertheless: Great idea for going out of the country! Journeys are a great way to get some distance and clear the mind.
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    @PonySlaystation I guess the trains are full on weekends and on rush hour. I own a GA (ticket for whole Switzerland) and I get off at Chiasso and take the regional train for 5 euros.
    Yeah feel refreshed. What i love about Milan are it's suburbs. Walking it's outskirts is like a world travel of it's own. You've got a China Town where the supermarket cashiers speak chinese to you. And every dish the world has to offer. The tourist attractions I find boring.
    the coworking space gave me 2 days admission for free. https://www.coworkinglogin.it/

    Tomorrow stinky office in Zurich it is. 😏
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    @heyheni Noice!
    I have a GA too. If you need company, I'd be glad to come with you to Milan for a short trip!
    Would be cool to try out that "hackerspace".
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    @PonySlaystation yeah let's do that next month. bi pleite jetzt. πŸ˜…
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    @heyheni Ich au, aber Milano isch ja nid so tüür
    I'll go to Belgium in a few weeks, then we maybe get time πŸ˜‰
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    today I told my boss about my adventure.

    "marvelous, i'm jealous! No I don't mind from where you work."

    Jackpot! Yes!
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