anyone else have their own side projects where they follow no structure and pretty much make spaghetti code just to get it finished asap so you can make money off the system you are building? lol. not proud of the code i wrote today but damn did I get a lot of functionality implemented.

  • 7
    I used to, then I realised I don't make money on my side projects because I lose interest once they're 95% done.
  • 1
    @lreading I've got 1 big project and then a bunch of side ones. each module of the big one is also it's own separate product that people can buy and use themselves. I'm set on making it successful enough to quit my job and have my own company. no quitting the projects in sight
  • 1
    @itsmill3rtime Keep it up!!! just remember you're going to have to maintain it one day, haha.
  • 2
    @lreading if successful enough i can hire people to maintain it for me and let them complain about the code haha
  • 4
    I'm crazy - I refactored my personal project no less than 6 times because I didn't like the style.
  • 2
    @lreading I feel you. A lot of times I start a person project in order to solve an interesting problem or learn something new. Once I get over the hump and all that's left is little stuff or UI, I lose interest. 😞
  • 3
    Have a side project that *doesn't* have ugly hacks and that I'm keeping nice and clean. Just to have something to enjoy that is not crippled by deadline driven development.
  • 2
    Blue-sky coding :) most of mine are JS/SVG projects so I don't know what methods will eventually work the way I want it to, whether I need a shim or make my own shim. Once it works there's a big cleanup of the unholy mess, then a refactor to whatever design pattern suits, then testing for performance and other improvements.

    It's lots of fun :)
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