
How do you guys manage your time? Do programmers really have a life?

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    Life... I’m breathing so it must be true
    Or social life?
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    manage my time?? pfft. I just play games and only write code when I feel like it.
    so you can say I am a lifeless gamer + lifeless programmer
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    Im only programming when Im working, so yeah I have a good life and work balance.
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    Working at working hours (I'm a freelancer with "strict" working hours that can be shifted if needed but I'd prefer not to) and sometimes after work when I write my blog posts/tutorials or work on game development/new fancy stuff.

    All other times I've separated my work life and family life to avoid overlaps as much as possible
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    We don't have life. We just have work-life
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    As a CEO of a Web Enterprise and a Front-End Programmer, I don't have a lot of time for me but I try my best to be with my friends and family when I have free time. This is sad but true, later I wish to have more time, but only when I will make enough money.
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    Getting a dog helped me get out more. Once I taught him react I have plenty of time to be social.
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