Sooo, I just noticed this on my older posts

  • 5

    They weren't categorized back then.

    Dfox and trogus manually categorized some of the more popular rants, but it's basically grunt work to make them do every rant.
  • 4
    Let's endanger their mental health.
    Just add the tag "undefined" as first tag for each new rant.

    Meanwhile in the devrant headquarter:
    "@Dfox: God damned @Trogus, I thought we already got rid of this nasty undefined tag bug a long while ago"
    "@Trogus: I don't know man. There are a bunch of unit-tests, covering this bug. None of them fails!"

    xD xD xD
  • 2

    God protect the code and infrastructure of this golden piece of software history!
  • 0
    Holy bananas!
    I thought it was a joke, you pulled straight away.
  • 1
    This isn't about unit tests. Since we didn't have rant types when until half a year ago (?). Rants before that are undefined.
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