Whoever thought setting up SQL database connections through XML was a good idea needs to be put on trial. And then exiled to a deserted island so they can think about all the pain they put me through.

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    post edit: I can't get this sucker figured out. Posted it on StackOverflow if anybody has experience with this.


    I'll buy a drink if someone can solve this. ;)

    post-post edit: got it fixed. It's supposed to be org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver. Fucking christ the Docs I was working with were wrong.
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    Whoever thought XML was a good idea should be put on trial. And then exiled to a deserted island so they can think about all the pain they put me through.
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    Send then Down Under, they'll fit right in. Most business are still starting new projects in Java instead of Kotlin and most organisations are running Win servers and Win laptops for employees. What's one more "last century" technology on top of all that? 😈
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    I highly doubt their ability to think. Let's just execute them and use the saved money from not having to ship them to the exile for blackjack and hookers.
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