
Tried to figure out why my computer was being slow and lagging earlier. Thought it may have been a bad update to the kernel I recently did, or an update to a package.

No, it was chrome and its horrible memory usage.

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    What is a better alternative though?
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    @Jumpshot44 Brave (created by the creator of JavaScript with an emphasis on privacy), and Vivaldi (new browser company made by the founder of Opera)
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    @macleod How's this Vivaldi? I'm using Chromium&Firefox Developer and memory is crying when I open multiple tabs.
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    @h3x0m4nia it's great! I highly suggest it. Very stable.
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    No way - see my rant from a few minutes ago - tagged chromeSucks
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    @iakar known about this for a long time, only one extension on mine.
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    and this is why I use IE over chrome
    let the shit storm begin haha
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