
Certified enganeers!
Spaghetti masters!!
Those who dev in prod!!!
Push to master!!!
The "it's a feature" assholes!
The Madman Muntz misers!

The computer science and engineering fields are filled to the brim with fakers, phony's and Python Lords. I try to fight them every time but they outnumber me. Apparently money is more attractive than expressing your own passion.

  • 3
    What if I find money more important, but don't do any of your listed things and always try to follow good practice?
  • 14
    @BashouT Then the question becomes: do you actually enjoy working in this field and just need to put food on the table (which IMO is totally reasonable), or don't enjoy it at all and are just in the field for the money?

    My rant was targeted at the latter.. whoever else gets offended at this post, please keep that in mind. Money makes the world go round, but if you don't like CS, programming, engineering or whatever you're doing, consider a career shift into something that you actually like doing.
  • 2
    @Condor Ah well that changes things. I enjoy the field and the nature of the collaborative work and the coming together of solutions to problems. So I wouldn't say the programming in itself is my drive for liking the industry but a lot of the other things provided by the way of working.

    I do love CS as a field though.
  • 11
    Ey, what’s wrong with Dev’n in prod, some of us like to live dangerously 🤣
  • 4
  • 2
    - Certified Electrician
    - Master of detangling spaghetti code
    - Guilty af, sometimes you just have to (it's never open to a customer and always set to lock out unless it's my session though)
    - Guilty af, because of the above
    - It's only a feature if I expect the outcome
    - Idunnowtfthatmeans

    Sorry? :P
  • 10
    @xewl living dangerously I see :3
    Madman Muntz was someone from the car industry as well as electronics (not sure how those fields overlap to justify making both into your career, but meh), who apparently liked to snip off bypass caps to save money in his products.. so pretty much like that graphite ribbon cable stuff that I ranted about earlier.. some things just can't be cheaped out on without significantly degrading the product. Next level Jugaad, one could say :v
    If you're interested and have some 30 minutes to spare, Dave Jones mentions it in his EEVblog #1081 (https://youtube.com/watch/...).
  • 2
    @Condor unrelated but...
    i really love when you use the word 'jugad' so smoothly 😍
  • 0
    "Apparently money is more attractive than expressing your own passion"

    What if there would be some individuals whose passion does not generate income?

    And what about those who did not have access to school and managed to get in IT with just the skill of selling yourself combined with the shortage in programmers?

    Why do you get mad at these people? If you're really better than them you will notice that in your paycheck.
    If pay is the same, you're doing something wrong.
  • 8
    @astartes not bad per se, just a little bit too accessible I think. It oversimplifies stuff so much that there's an awful lot of horrible code being written in that language, because the barrier to entry is so low.
  • 8
    @DevForTheMoney username checks out.
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