
My work just gave me a new MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. Dear Apples, I can’t even!!!!

What a piece is shit! I can’t charge my phone, plug in my monitor or my mouse without a freakin dongle! Worse of all, I can’t feel the keys to reduce volume, I always have to look does at the Touch Bar, tap twice to reduce the volume. How inefficient!

FU Apple! FU!

  • 12
    "It's not about efficiency, it's about selling as much accessoires as possible." - Apple's internal guideline probably
  • 2
    I recall when I got mine form work. I sat down backed up the old mac to an external HDD. After a long wait I was ready to restore the back up to the new Mac I was getting excited. I go to plug the external HDD into the new back "for fuck sake I forgot this this doesn't have USB ports". Had to wait another week for the company to order in adaptors :/
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    I've used it for 9 months to develop iOS apps, and then gave it back (not for my choice). Using dongles is very debatable. To me is awesome since I buy only the things you really need.
    The touchbar instead, once you get used, will be awesome, especially when you use more the keyboard instead of the mouse or trackpad (e.g. tapping of macOS popups without touch the mouse, etc.)
    If you are ranting of this, I expect you to rant of the crashes, freezes (especially of the touchbar) and instability (I had a lot, especially with Xcode)
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    @eXander "I just buy the things I really need" well there are certain things you usually always need, like USB, audio jack, some kind of video port, etc.
    I don't see how ports that I don't/barely use would annoy me just by being there.
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    @jonii as I said the thing is very debatable. It depends also by where you work. For example, I was in a full-apple environment. The only dongles we sometimes needed were the ones for HDMI. I needed to have usb-port... 2, maybe 3 times in 9 months. It depends by a lot of things
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    Got a Mac Mini with OSX High Sierra a few weeks ago, only to discover that Mac OSX does not support 21:9 monitors AT ALL. The fuck is this shit? We're in 2018! After hours of configuration and buying a third party software for 15 bucks I finally made it. God damn piece of shit, always hated Apple for stuff like this. It's bloated full with useless functionality and totally skips on the important parts. I just don't get why so many people like Apple.
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    Als they got rid of the best part of the MacBook, the bloody MagSafe. What the Frak, Apple???????

    I feel like taking it back to the Apple store and demanding a replacement with a old gen MacBook Air — by comparison, it’s more of a productive, versatile and useful than the. Latest MacBook Pros.

    Also, if they ***really*** wanted to put in a useless Touch Bar, it should have not replace the Function keys, it should have been and extra panel above it.

    Anyway, FU Apple.
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