
Well done Microsoft👏😂

  • 8
    *mumbles* antitrust grumble grumble..
  • 9
    You’re searching for spyware and it shows an ‘ad’ of malware right on top, sounds about right ;)
  • 1
    @linuxxx Yup it does.
  • 0
    You didn't Google it
  • 4
    > Browse Longer
    Wasn’t this disproven my somebody? I recall that happening...

    > Browse Faster
    I assume they mean RAM consumption here...

    > Built-in Protection
    Yeah, alright, that’s just a number you pulled out of your arse

    > Built-in Assistance
    Did you mean “built-in spyware”?
  • 0
  • 0
    So it was perfectly fine when Google was/is promoting chrome on their home page?
  • 3
    @dontbeevil I'm about Brave. Hope this one browser will stay out of corruption for once, I'm fed with the current software state.
  • 3
    @dontbeevil I can only recommend it to you. It's my current favorite, and although it's far from perfect (especially the download management) it's just awesome in a thousand ways :)
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