
This is totally me.

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    @AlexDeLarge Fuck this was pretty funny but the category ruined it for me
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    @AlexDeLarge @DLMousey @Floydian
    Okay, I get it and this won't happen again. Now don't turn this into a stackoverflow question.
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    I don't Relate, but I understand...

    @chiri ... Does that really happen in a real life?

    It's a condition, more and more common this days. The Chinese already have a name for it, People who spend their adulthood at parents house, who can't leave is room and may even get panic if forced to leave home.

    For you guys may look like a Joke.

    I laugh... But also remembered some of my friends with that problem.

    One I even tried to help, till he attacked me in a delirious time from his depression.

    So yes, THIS IS A PROBLEM, so it's a rant.
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    Btw , Had to download @Floydian and @AlexDeLarge for the shitty downvotes, and you guys are amongst my favorites.

    I really like you guys... But come one... You're smarted than this, I got the rant part the second I saw the comic, and how It relates to so many people... And that's real conditions, you have hoarders, Agoraphobia, Social Phobia, Paruresis, So many others...

    I actualy only feal confortable in one Place where I can have control.

    At home is my room... It's the only place I relax.

    At work is my machine... Hate when some messes with my tools and everyone is always taking tools from me because I'm too polite to deny.

    Outside, is my car... Most of the times I ever cried in my worst moments were in my car... where no one else would see.

    I actualy expected 90% of us nerds to relate
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    @AlexDeLarge , Floydian , Ok. You guys have been a lot more active than me, Then I'll assume your right and I'll take your position in the future.

    Tanking the Downvotes out

    But, one Tip, next time warn first, the guy is a noob here and probably don't know how DevRant works yet.

    I've made such mistakes before and I'll try to not Post meems in rant section then. Thanks for the tip.
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    @chiri dude, you might as well delete this post and have your peace of mind.
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    I consider it a rant.
    I feel you and relate it too.

    Why the fuck do I even try getting back to the comfort zone!!! Ironically enough I still am sitting very comfortably and using devRant... Fuck me
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    @AlexDeLarge and @Floydian, I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday or today or the day before yesterday. I wasn't myself, very aggressive and said stuff I shouldn't.

    I also apologize to everyone else who felt offended by my actions.
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    @GyroGearloose @AlexDeLarge @Floydian hey nice people, I just read all the comments and I love how so many of you care so much about how the platform is being used. I know I joined quiet a time ago and I should have categorize this properly. And I'm sorry that I didn't, to be honest I just didn't give the categorizations much attention. Some of you took my side while others took stand for what was right and I'm thankful to you both. Now I think I've caused enough people discomfort here. Keeping this in mind after leaving this comment I'll wait about 6 hours for you people to read this and after that I'll delete the post. Have a great one. 😊
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    Actually, two persons learned two lessons...

    And I think this can also make others understand by practice and not repeat our mistakes.

    Keep it on, This one, no matter the discussion, is a lesson that many can relate.
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    @chiri There's no need to delete it because that'd make us dicks (which I am one sooo lol).

    Just keep it in mind when you're posting next time.

    David worked hard to make these happen, but it requires us to properly use them to be a great feature.
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    *me fixing one function out of 60 functions*
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    Thank you everybody for your kind comments. After hearing you guys I think I'm gonna keep this post in hope that someone out there (someone like me) can benefit from this.
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    @chiri Well then hopefully, nobody else makes another comment about "miscategorization" and whatnot.
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    @AlexDeLarge in making reference to yours.
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