
Why haven't anyone told me about Aurelia before? I've been rewriting an Angularjs app, and tried both angular 2 and react. Not to step on anyones toes, but React isn't that great if you ignore virtual dom, and angular 2 is just.. wrong. The rant? Yet another framework I need to learn.

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    "React isn't that great if you ignore virtual dom"

    Dude what?!
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    First tried Aurelia around a year ago. Kinda like it more than Angular.
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    @tahnik yes, in comparison angular has more functionality, i tired react but besides component i had to write javascript so i switched to angular
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    @randombug Angular and React serves two different purposes. The features you are talking about are just differences between them. You have to use React Redux, React Router to enjoy it completely
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    This might be an unpopular suggestion but.. Vue.js man.
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    @tahnik Yes, it's just a view library, and that's why I think it's overrated. It's great when you would touch the dom often, otherwise you might just stick with regular webcomponents/polymer. And redux is great, but it's not React-specific.
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    @oroys It's not overrated. It has it's own purpose and it's very good at it.
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    Rob Eisenberg, who started Aurelia, also worked on Durandal and Angular. Can't ignore experience and good judgement. My previous team had a pleasant time with the Aurelius beta.
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