
*listens to some music over the Bluetooth headset in Groove on Windows*
*walks off to the bathroom*
> Please recharge headset

Which in Sony-speak means "reached cut-off voltage, you'd better recharge this fucking thing because we will power off now, rendering the warning completely useless!*
Me: "oh dear it's 5:30AM and my speakers are set to full blast"

*rushes off to the bedroom to pause Groove*
*walks back to the bathroom*

Then I started thinking, you know Microsoft.. on my phones I never had this issue since the Samsung Corby. Android has supported pausing media playback on headset disconnect for about a decade now. Maybe Microsoft Certified Enganeers could look at how the competition has solved an issue and IMPLEMENT THE FUCKING FEATURE ALREADY?!

But no, you've got that IE reputation to hold high. Sorry, I forgot.


  • 8
    @rutee07 hahaha!!! Watching porn on the bus of all places.. awesome!
  • 2
    Don't use Groove or assign the application to the Headset output from the mixer {Since 1807/April}(easier via EarTrumpet)
  • 2
    Its a setting in groove (on my old phone at least)
  • 2
    I use AirPods and the batteries can be a pain, because I want to listen in the office most of the day and take the occasional call. The case is on charge almost as often as the buds are in it.
  • 2
    @Codex404 I couldn't find any setting for it on PC.. all it gives is some setting for music locations, equalizer, media info (which I've turned off just now) and theming. :/

    @xewl I'm currently using SMPlayer for video as I've got fed up about Windows' inability to keep the video fullscreen in the stock Movies & TV app when I switch to another window on the secondary screen. Groove I'm mostly using because of its ability to catch XF86 events (i.e. headset and Bluetooth keyboard buttons). Are there any other music player apps that you'd recommend which support XF86? I'm trying to move away from MS Store apps as much as possible these days so any suggestion would be very helpful.
  • 1
    @Condor Foobar2000 maybe, not sure if that counts for video though
  • 1
    what Windows are you using??? Windows blocks current audio output from all apps after a device was unexpectedly disconnected.
  • 2
    @Wiciaki Windows 10 Home. Maybe they do with wired headsets but they certainly don't do it with the wireless ones.
  • 1
    Totally unrelated of this thread at all.

    But I didn't know Condor is a bird.
    I didn't know kid condor are huge and fluffy.
    I didn't know condor likes ice lollipop.
  • 3
    @cursee yum 😋
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