
I'm searching good resource for learning more about stored procedures in SQL. Know any?

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    Stanford has a course on youtube back from 2013 or 2014, which is quite good. If I find the link, I'll post it here. I don't recall exactly if it includes store procedure, but I think it does.
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    @Wack that would be awesome, sir. Please let me know. šŸ˜Š
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    Do you know how to write normal queries?

    It's almost the same, but in stored procedures you can use variables, and functions if you want.

    Also, there is a difference if you are using it in Mysql or Microsoft SQL Server

    This playlist explain it good for Microsoft SQL Server:


    Good luck in your search
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    @FahadAlt thanks. But I use MySQL only. šŸ˜…
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    @Divisionbyzero no problem, do you want to write sp inside phpmyadmin? Or do you have mysql application?
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    @FahadAlt I have no clue what can be done with it. I will take a glance at it first and then decide what to do with it.
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    @Divisionbyzero ok, its really good!

    You won’t need to write queries in your php code anymore if you use it. You just call the sp.
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    @FahadAlt that sounds really awesome. šŸ˜¦
  • 2
    This was the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist/... unfortunately there is no lesson labled as stored procedures. I thought, I remembered that in there somewhere she talked about it. But I'm not sure anymore.
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    @Divisionbyzero yeah, but there is a small trick .. you need an OOP class that help you make the db connection and called the SP and passing the variables.

    Classes like this can be found here:

    The want I used to use was made for SQL server.
  • 0
    @FahadAlt @Wack thank you. šŸ˜‰
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