
Do i need to say something ?

Well, 7th try over half a year.
Spent today like 6hrs... oh man. I’m proud.

  • 4
    No, that's the easy part. DM and a usable system is trickier imo.
  • 2
    @olback damn. Struggling already...
  • 3
    @dder But don't give up. Giving up doesn't give you anything. Trying does.
  • 19
    @olback Arch users don't need graphics, and even less a workable system because if they had work to do, they wouldn't have time to fumble around with Arch.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop that hurts, man!
  • 4
    @dder don't give up! You're almost there! Now only 500 hours so you can create the best rice of your life and you're done
  • 2
    @dontPanic or just install tmux and write a good vimrc.

    I haven't started X in weeks.
  • 2
    @deadPix3l love your answer! Do you browse with lynx?
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    @iamavalos Die Definition von Wahnsinn ist, immer wieder das Gleiche zu tun und andere Ergebnisse zu erwarten.

    Albert Einstein
  • 0
    @dder English version: As Albert Einstein
    [...] famously stated, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different [...] results"
  • 0
    @dder the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results..
  • 1
    @gitreflog well, if that is the "usual" translation, I'm fine with it either.. ;)
  • 1
    @dder dunno which one. i just literally tranlated the "die definition von" bit..
  • 1
    @gitreflog fair enough, I'm often afraid of literal translations of quotes... because usually there are different meaning, especially when talking about 'common' phrases
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    @dontPanic I like lynx or brow.sh but most of the time tools like howdoi, googler, various rss readers, and mutt serve my purposes. And for rare occasions it's easier to pull my phone out than to start x and then firefox.

    I have a lot of x stuff installed and i3, etc. But I very rarely use it.
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    It took me 15 mins with desktop environment too
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    @Haxk20 since arch is rolling, he's probably just using a really old install media.

    @dder Pacman -Syyu
  • 1
    @iamavalos No, offense, just wanted to throw that in ;)

    @deadPix3l I just used the links from the arch wiki. Going to update ASAP ;)
  • 1
    @dder do you have any updates? Does the thing still run?
  • 1
    @dontPanic oh sure. Had 1 issue with bootloader because of ricing my loginscreen, but then my daily driver for work / home.
    Works perfectly / robust / fast / stable.

    I love it!
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