
Dear Microsoft,

What kind of braindead fucking moron thought that implying that dragging the mouse ever so slightly within the same folder with files selected MUST mean that the user wants to copy shit?!

What kind of braindead fucking moron thought that making conhost use Return for copying text and right click for pasting it was a good idea, and make the keybinding unmodifiable?!!

What kind of braindead fucking moron designed this shitty abomination of shit OS?!

  • 10
    Ctrl+Z is your Friend 😉
  • 14
    @C0D4 If only I could Ctrl-Z this machine into a decent Linux system T_T
  • 5
    It's like:
    R: "Paul. I copy a bunch of files from A to B on a daily base and I'm sick of using these stooopid shortcuts or the context menu. It's such a waste of time! *whining*"
    P: "Don'tcha worry Richard. Say no more. I will slap a clever solution for your problem together in minutes."
    P: "Here it is. Whatcha say?"
    R: "Ouuuuuhh. Such brilliant! Very timesaving. Much wow!"
    P: "In the first place I limited this feature on your user group. But it can be configured for every other user group. Hank will take care of the feature release ;)"
    H: "(on patch day) what is this feature called "copy content at lightning speed"? Sounds great. Let's give it away for every user out there. We are such a nice company, aren't we? People will love us!"
  • 8

    Dear Microshaft,

    Please fire Phil and disband Microsoft until you start caring about your customers/products. I don't want to deal with Microshit features anymore.

    Yours sincerely,
  • 2
    Dear @Condor ,

    This is Phil.

    Use Fucking Linux!!


    An Arch Linux User

    Senior Software Developer

    AI, Blockchain, Cloud Security by Cryptonet, and <some more buzzwords> expert

  • 2
    TeraCopy is your friend. Accidental drag-and-drops are no more.
  • 0
    Why only mircoshaft... No microshit... After all these things are micro and shitty
  • 1
    @ashwiniviolet Macroshit? MegaShit? Name it yourselves
  • 0
    Hey @Condor, you are moving the files with RIGHTCLICK, thats why.

    *User problem*
  • 1
    This is what we should be talking about.
  • 1
    Strange, that only happens when I have CTRL pressed, else it doesn't do that. Either its a bug on my system or I did not really understand your rant lol
  • 2
  • 3
    @Linux I'm selecting multiple files with Ctrl+click, then using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V? It isn't a user problem when you accidentally flick your mouse a bit when you go about selecting another file.
  • 2
    @rEaL-jAsE I know and it is convenient. But at least Microsoft could've taken the time to exclude copying within the same folder to avoid those little flicks during selection? Or at least ask whether the file with the same filename needs to be copied there without assuming that user wants to copy the file and have " - Copy" slapped on its back.
  • 2
    @rEaL-jAsE well at least the - Copy files remain selected so hitting Delete just makes them go away again.. but yeah the extra steps on fixing what shouldn't have happened in the first place is quite annoying.
  • 2
    @rEaL-jAsE oh wow, that's actually really crappy, haha. Kind of expected "Microshit" level feature though.. I mean they've got IE standards to live up to 😜
  • 1
    Oh, you mean THAT
  • 1
    Dragging with rmb gives option to duplicate files. The lmb only copies holding ctrl.
  • 2
    @Pogromist strange "feature" tho.. especially when selecting multiple files 🤔
  • 0
    @https I love how the monitor was just barely standing on top of the case even before the rage quit.
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