
Which language to opt for?

  • 25
    Im getting the idea the thing is a little b biased towards python...
  • 24
    Incase someone wants the full resolution for it

  • 4
    Actually it's a very nice infographic.
  • 3
    I also see its outdated since C# is only recommended for windows things and not for multiplatform and mobile.

    Also for games it only recommends C++, while most indie games are made with Unity or GameMaker, both dont support C++ as main language.
  • 10
  • 3
    why ruby looks like play doh?
  • 7
    @sharktits forgot I saved this
  • 8
    @sharktits yes it does matter. If you want to build a fucking web API that will be queried at least 10000 times per second, you don't want to build it with scripting languages. Sometimes performance matters.
  • 4
    Well this is clearly biased towards python, which people should stop parading around as the goto language.
  • 3
    yeah it matters lol
    You dont eat spaghetti with a pitchfork do you?
  • 2
    @simulate @hack if you open your fucking eyes for a second, youll see that this chart starts with "do you want to learn programming" in which case IT. DOES. NOT. FUCKING. MATTER. because concepts are universal and translate between languages.
  • 4
    the damn chart starts with "why do you want to learn programming?" and then offers you a tool depending on what you want to do, and it clearly matters what tool you use for which job. Yes, they are all programming languages, yes they are all really great and useful, but no they are not all the same.
  • 6
    Ideally, everyone should start with a language like c, which is not too low level, but will have you handle stuff like pointers/function pointers, malloc and so on. The way of writing algorithms doesn't change *THAT* much between languages, but starting with the likes of js/python/ruby (as much I love the latter) will just leave oh so many questions unanswered... In the best case. Worst case scenario, they won't even be asked.

    By the time you can write something useful in c/c++, you should have learned enough to move on to other languages (if needed) and actually know what you're doing, imho
  • 7
    I want to learn things..
    > The really hard way: C++
    > The slightly hard way: C

    Totally makes sense
  • 1
    Must be drafted by die hard python fan.
  • 1
    @simulate agreed humorously 😅
  • 1
    No go ?!? :(
  • 1
    @BitPhinix as I said its outdated, the first time Ive seen this image was about 5 years ago...
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