My dad sent me this 😂

  • 24
    I'm confused.

    Should I change my password daily? Or change my underwear every 3 months?

    Instructions not clear at all!
  • 8
    Those are some awful fucking underpants.

    And, to make matters worse, I suspect the people wearing such underpants have really good passwords.

    I have no data to back this up, but I suspect thongs are correlated with bad password strategies.
  • 16
    Jokes on them, I don't wear underwear.

  • 5
    @monzrmango Who uses passwords anyways
  • 5
    I think having an underwear manager and never using the same pair underwear the places I go seems like too much of a bother :v
  • 1
    Also smash the system!
  • 5
    To cut down on security laundry, turn your passwords inside out!
  • 6
    Does that mean everybody wants to see them, too?
  • 0
    @Frederick I guess you could.. would be pretty rough on the skin though 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Turn it inside out after wearing it for an year?
  • 1
    @badcoder that's up to group policy 🤣
  • 2
    @condor are you his dad?🤔
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- I don't have children!! 😨
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