
Nothing like paper and a pen in early States of development :)

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    Too hipstery.
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    I’ve got two notebooks in my laptop bag just in case I need to brainstorm on the go! At home I’ve got an awesome whiteboard and a camera nearby to snap the pictures into Slack quickly.
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    Eh, not too old school.. just too "school" 😕 why not teach the students vim instead? That way they have a decent editor but no fancy code completion or whatever.
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    @Condor I'm not a teacher if that's what you mean, and I never actually used vim. Or any text editor for that matter. Always pen and paper :)
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    @TheOct0 fair enough, but.. how do you compile or execute in an interpreter code that's written on paper? 🤔
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    @Condor Oh I didn't mean code writing! I meant elaborating the project, writing down ideas, scheming algorithms and so on :)
    I code in Atom, mainly, and compile with various other tools
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    @TheOct0 ah, so that's how it is! Yeah for drafting I tend to prefer paper too 🙂
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    @Condor Sorry for not explaining myself well :)
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    I'm doing this in a whiteboard app bcoz i cannot write(with my hands and a pen) but yeah, it's fcking important and useful :)
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    I always start with class design and database sketches on paper too

    I have yet to find good software that feels as natural as paper and pen
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    @rant1ng That's true, but I don't think I'll get used to not flipping the pages for example
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