In my computer programming class we have these nice brand new iMacs. For some reason we end up using Windows 7 on them anyways...

  • 6
    Sounds like every edu environment I've ever seen. The graphic design students probably get to reboot into OS X. Obviously Photoshop can't be run on Windows 😂
  • 6
    Apple make the best Windows machines
  • 1
    I dont have interest with Macs, the problem most pros use em I don't know is it a matter of status or performance
  • 4
    its only status
  • 2
    @Linux That's wat I always picture it
  • 2
    Sounds like a professor who doesn't know anything but Win32. Just wait until they try to teach you systems programming in Windows...

    As for all the status/performance stuff...I think Macs look great, and I love OS X. I am still using a powerful MacBook Pro that I bought 6 years ago, and it runs incredible still.

    And believe it or not, a comparable non-Apple machine is going to set you back about the same amount of cash, but only last half as long.
  • 1
    I don't think it has anything to do with status. Some people just like OS X. I like it even though my main machine is Linux.
  • 0
    We use Visual Studio Code a lot so I think that may be part of the reason. My teacher actually prefers OS x. @Treebasher
  • 1
    @dontbeevil good point,the same apply to Android vs iPhone
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