Woah dude, where do I sign? 😱

Seriously though, it's the second email of the sort today. The recipient is not even my address, and from some subtle cues (cf. "ethical hacking service", "untracable", "victim never suspect"), he's probably a very bad developer too. Dear "Ruben Villanueva", you're just a f***ing a**hole, I hope you die painfully, dumbface.

  • 9
    "Victim never suspect"

    Yeah they wont suspect ANYTHING when you replace their site with "H4CK3D BY BL4CK H4T RUB3N"
  • 1
    @Linux yeah, or when you blackmail them with their secret porn.. 😅
  • 4
    Is this how script kiddies nowadays seek employment? m)
  • 4
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere that's not my address, as I mentioned in the post 😉
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