Java : He is the topper who is usually mocked, but still everyone seeks his help on the day before exams. He tops the class no matter where he is.

C : He was once the coolest guy in the class with all the new gadgets but now uses outdated gadgets.

C++ : The guy who comes 2nd and is also loved by everyone. He is very competitive.

R : She has everything readymade from food to tiffins.

JavaScript: Tries to be in the cool gang but she is someone to whom nobody talks.

CSS: The most beautiful girl in the class and a make-up expert. Also the only friend of JavaScript.

Python: She will soon top the class.

C# : Is she still part of the class!!?

  • 3
    Quantumly accurate
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  • 16
    How can C be part of a class?
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    fyi JS and Python are dudes.

    also welcome to devRant (:
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    The tale continues. The Python girl soon finds up that she is too weak for heavy lifting and goes to the 2nd coolest guy, but collaboration is really complicated and sucks. She learns the hard way what an ABI is and why it sucks when it isn't there. She takes a deep breath, looks into herself and finds.. C. Yes, she is made of C herself. With that epihany, she goes to the C guy, and they form a lasting and stable bond.
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    Kotlin : A nice and smart girl, with a sexy body structure, and barely legal age. Have a lot of influential friends. getting smarter every single day, soon to be in the very top
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    Ruby : a typical top of the pyramids girl in school, always and never miss to make up, everyone have an eye on her. a simple girl yet very complicated if you know her. not very smart but sometimes get the jobs done.
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    @awaisking exactly what I thoughtπŸ˜‚
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    Brainfuck: screams "jabadaaa" constantly
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    Then there is all the esoteric languages that is going in that weird parallel class with all the retarded kids
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    FiM++: That one MyLittlePony fanboy in the class
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    Don't forget, although C uses old gadget, it still is the first to finish an exam ;)
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    No, C# is now the teacher of the class πŸ˜‚
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    @MrCSharp <snappy-comment>Those who can’t do, they teach</snappy-comment>
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    @sjw-brah not when the teacher has over 18 years of experience and is still involved in massive projects with more getting added everyday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @S-Homles-MD Yes! You are right!
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    HTML: gay friend of JS & CSS who goes shopping with them. He’s a long winded talker but gives good advice to everybody and you’ll have to interact with him, whether or not you like him.
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    @wowotek uggg Kotlin, she’s cool enough but would we even talk about her if not for her family being rich
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    Erlang: cool ass Nordic kid. Doesn’t talk much, but when he does it really gets the message across.
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    Prolog:- she was a dolphins trainer at one point. It’s her favorite story. She is always talks about how she wants to have more normal conversations, but her definition of normal taking is way different from everyone else. Still, she’s appealing in subtle ways.
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