
I really, really hate it when someone has a problem/question, and I really dedicate my heart and soul to write a really good answer that even a stupid person would understand - with drawing, explanations and shit. And they answer is just:
"I dont get it"
"Can you please do it"
"you spelled that wrong"

  • 30
    The "Ok" guy is my fav
  • 23

    It is probably you.
  • 24
  • 3
    That last one really bugs me, even if you don't put much time into the answer at least have the decency not to nitpick it grammatically.
  • 2
    @NullBitMe You spelled that wrong
  • 1
    @desirous Can you please do it.
  • 4
    ...and that's how you get the "just fuckin google it you moron" people.

    when you get sufficiently fed up by this, you'll become one.

    and it's okay.

    because they really should just fuckin google it, the morons.

    and learn to think and process what they found
  • 0
    Then, after their one liner and ignoring your advice, they formulate another half-ass solution that doesn't really work, and end up in the end basically implementing your solution... the Long way around.
  • 0
    @Yamemori thanks
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