
Neat-looking desktop wallpapers have never made sense to me. If I'm not covering every square millimeter with something, I feel like I wasted money on my monitor.

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    It makes my skin crawl to see desktops covered with icons. Even when they're organized.

    There's no need to have a shortcut to a document on your screen. It takes like 5 seconds to click file manager, documents and find the document.

    The only thing I have on my desktop is things I use a lot.

    Text Editor
    A folder

    Edit: I'm an idiot and misread this lol. Oh well it's staying
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    Agreed 100% on icons. I cannot stand them on any OS.

    At work, I have open:

    firefox, firefoxdev, slack, chrome, iterm2, adium, telegram, keepassxc, chicken(VNC client), macvim/macdown(notes)

    At home:

    firefox, firefoxdev, steam, slack, telegram, pidgin, chrome, keepassxc, remmina(VNC client), vlc(RTSP feeds from garage and nursery), a shitload of xterm windows
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    @Stuxnet yeah, i actually don’t have a single thing on my desktop. Not a single one..

    Thanks, spotlight searchπŸ‘
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    @bahua My phone has the 5 tray apps in Pie and then 2 more on the home screen.

    On my old phone that I use to watch movies on I have 4 tray icons and that's it.

    Idk it just makes a piece of my soul die to see clustered icons lol
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    If you habitually use spotlight, you should try alfred. I find it far more capable and flexible than spotlight. I use it constantly, instead of spotlight.
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    @just8littleBit Honestly, i don't think I even use the desktop icons as much as I do the ones on my taskbar (same as desktop, just doesn't have Spotify or the folder shortcut, but does have Word and File explorer)
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    @bahua will check it out, thanks.
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    @Stuxnet @just8littlebit

    Yeah, for launching apps, I never use the mouse at all. Alfred on Mac, and Mutate on Linux, and a shitload of custom scripts for both.
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    @bahua yeah fuck the mouse 🀟

    Still use it in the browser though..
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    @bahua I can't type properly or quickly, so a mouse is best for me lol
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    @just8littleBit that may be illegal depending on local laws and how you perform it

    The wallpaper is there when you boot, though. And there's no harm in having a nice one.
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    @electrineer fuck the law too then.🀟
    Although that’s illegal no matter where..
    but as long as they don’t get you... πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ’¦πŸ‘©‍βš–οΈ
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