
A lot of hate on the jokes/memes here but since I don’t have twitter and Reddit, I have the joy of seeing these as original.

You know, just a few to keep the variety going inbetween the “Fuck my boss” and the “PHP sucks ass” rants

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    Yeah, but then people post it to the wrong categories (joke/meme is appropriate, not rant), this is what annoys since I use Redtit.
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    @Alice Yeah the reposts of the the reposting repost usually suck
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    @1989 You find memes on LinkedIn?
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    @1989 I did. Completely
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    The "PHP sucks" ones are the funniest for me since I can discount those people as script kiddies, karma whores, or students. As I've explained before, there's a lot of bad PHP out there but there's also a lot that's pretty good. Right now, I do PHP as well as the modern JS stuff (Node, React) and the Node/React stuff is by far the worst. Code quality has much more to do with the people involved than it does the language.
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    @1989 yeah, blockchain and AI is a meme at this point. Apparently there's 15 million subject matter experts on this horseshit
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    @HollowKitty Right. If anyone is really complaining about how bad PHP is, then it’s probably on them
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