
My first rant was about this topic.
I once made a program using C++ which would allow you to make HTML pages.
I made a menu using switch () like this:
1. Add Title to website
2. Add Image
3. Add New Line
4. Add paragraph
This was the most useless and stupid thing I ever made

  • 4
    Later while learning PHP, I did the same. I made a website which would allow you to build PHP pages. That website itself was written in PHP
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    I had the same idea with c, java and javascript but i never worked on it. But i do have created useless apps for things like stack in java
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    Don't u ever wrote "hello world" program?😂
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    @mhtshara948 I did. But I prefer "it worked" over "hello world" 😂😂
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    i made an entire bash script for generation java files with main, interface/abstract , packeges, imports etc while i still coded in gedit so yeah.. i feel ya
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