
Hey Guys, Made a Particle theme landing page. Do let me know your views on it. :)
Link - https://github.com/itsron717/...

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    @Alice A PR is always welcome :)
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    Did you make the particle thing yourself?
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    Looks awesome dude
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    @olback No I used particleground. A jQuery plugin.
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    @Orni Thanks :)
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    @itsron143 sorry but what exactly do you need jQuery for in 2018? I bet there is a more light wight particle library if you don't want/can't make it yourself.
  • 2
    Looks awesome, but I have some questions, if I may.
    Is there any reason why you have multiple identical @media rules in style.css file for screens max-width 100px? Some of them are identical, some contradict each other.
    Why, having a separate .css file, you still have style rules inside index.html? This makes everything look inconsistent.
    Again, everything works perfectly from the outside. You should be proud.
  • 3
    @arazzz In theory, putting CSS in index.html is not a bad idea. Even Google recommends to put necessary styling in index.html because that means even if the server that provides CSS is down, you still have more than text. Also it is recommended to decrease load times.
  • 2
    Haha I also use particle js for my portfolio
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    @olback I’m just a beginner trying out things so sorry about that. If you think there are be modifications then please generate a PR :)
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    @arazzz Yes. There are a lot of redundancies. If you can fix them then please generate a PR :)
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    It's well done but I feel like this kind of thing is overdone
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    Cool theme! I encountered a somewhat similar one before, maybe you want to check it for more inspiration. It appears cleaner to me.

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    I've seen this before...

    A year ago.

    Just sayin hehe
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    I have a rule for buying tokens from ICOs, if they didn't use particles in their website, I don't fuck with them, so you can take all of my money...
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    @cruelnotes This theme looks amazing.
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    @j4cobgarby Yeah, I realised that after your comment :p. All contributions are welcome to make it even better :)
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    An anon dev named Ronald.
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    @j4cobgarby you could do a little cartoon using CSS + JS on your website if you're into frontend.
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