
How did you find about devrant?
For It was a suggested app in Play Store.

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    I once scrolled through the play store back then. I never did it before and after this.
    I think I was checking if 9gag has an app and the catchy devRant logo appeared in "similar apps".
    >> Once seen, it can never be unseen <<
    — Karl Marx (jk)
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    Someone told me about it. His old useness was @itsnameless but I forgot what his new usename was.

    After I was kicked out of SL for no reason, @itsnameless told me about devRant. He said it has a community that's better than SL.

    Then I signed up and was hooked the moment I used it. It cheered me up instantly and I got over SL pretty quick.
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    How did you not find out that tags are comma separated? #stophashtags
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    @Michelle SL?

    A coworker told me about devrant and here we are...
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    Someone on discord told me about this place. I don't think he's around anymore, though.
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    Both me and @PaperBag have heard about it through our Cyber Grandmaster, @revirtux.

    I've been in love ever since. DevRant is such an essential part of my life that now I even pay to support it.
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    @AforAutism You forgot the part where he made us join just to upvote his shitty "How to exit Vim" meme so he could get the stickers.

    By the way, this question has been asked here like a million times already, so this is like the millionth time I'm writing this.
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    @PaperBag But @revirtux made the meme before the Vim meme inflation, so we have to give him some credit
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