

Everybody seems to fuck it up. (Most ignore it entirely)

Everybody seems to undervalue it’s importance. (Its value cannot be overstated)

Everybody seems to think it is a luxury for successful companies. (Instead of being a major part of what got them their success)

Everybody seems to think having beer in the fridge is culture, or some other perk. (I like beer and shit, but that’s not culture unless your company makes fucking beer!)

Everybody seems to think that a value statement is culture. (Your employees don’t give a fuck if you want to “provide value to X industry)

And guess, fucking, what...

Everyone is wrong. That’s why 9/10 startups fail, because the founders and CEO are dumbasses.

Here’s some pretty simple advice for life...

“Don’t be a fucking dumbass”

- Me

  • 3
    🤔 Simple but not easy. 🤔
  • 1
    @JackToolsNet The best life advice, as in business, is never easy.

    If it was easy then every dumbass would be doing it...

    To quote Ray Dalio from his book Principles...

    “Nothing is more important or more difficult then to get the culture and people right.”
  • 0
    @leanrob I find getting the people right is easy. But culture? Never figured that one out.

    I'm a misanthropic intj, though, so that makes sense.
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